Friday, January 6, 2012

Just To Make Sure we Don't Lose Sight of the Real Adversary of MMT

Click here .... and for his "sidekick" here.


mike norman said...

Found out recently that Peterson works out at my gym. I've seen him there many times, but didn't realize it was him. I think I'll talk to him next time I see him.

As for Walker, just listen to the hypocrite admit to me back in 2008 that there is no solvency issue when it comes to Social Security. Listen here.

Matt Franko said...

Mike Peterson has to be pretty old.

Mike perhaps see if your recent investment track record wrt the MMT knowledge interests him.

I think Blackstone has installed Byron Wein as their strategist and I heard him (Wein) earlier this week on CNBC XM saying that "foreigners are going to stop lending us money" so if BX is proceeding with that macro view (bearish bonds) and their Emeritus CEO is on a jihad for a Balanced Budget then BX is doomed.

Now the Chinese put 3B into Blackstone a while back that looks like it should be down to 1B by now. So I'm sure their Chinese investors are pissed as they are down 2B.

Maybe Wein thinks that by saying these things it helps Blackstone politically with China.

In any case MMT is "good for business" might get someone like his attention...

Ryan Harris said...

Did you guys see the article from the Ivy-League Economists on Bloomberg? They are angry at the media for publicizing 'extreme view points'. I can only wonder if they mean the MMT type of unaccepted ideas that threaten their failed models. In their view all the befuddled policies resulted from not following the established academic ivy league economists closely enough.

Tom Hickey said...

In any case MMT is "good for business" might get someone like his attention...

This is exactly how MMT is getting some attention now. People are noticing who has been right and who is going home with the money. The Economist was very clear, for example, that Warren did very well financially with his "heterodox" ideas.

Hugo Heden said...

MMT is good for business!

Not a bad slogan. Not only does MMT thinking seem to be highly useful, but MMT policy would be good for sales. With MMT, aggregate demand would no longer be pushed down to artificially low levels due to unfounded fears of government insolvency.

A very business friendly framework.

Matt Franko said...


And for Peterson's Blackstone, if you look at their portfolio of companies, they all would end up with higher sales under an MMT based system.

This guy is such a moron that I saw him on an interview one time complaining about "all the MRIs that are done today" and "back in his day we just took an aspirin". (I kid you not) AND BLACKSTONE HAS A MEDICAL IMAGING CO.!

They are buying up Theme Parks (and staffing them with imported Chinese coolies who can not even speak English I have seen this first hand (Busch Gardens Williamsburg VA) and it is like something out of the James Bond movie "Dr No") which rely on discretionary income which would be higher under an MMT regime... this goes on and on with them...

He is not acting in the best interest of his shareholders..
