Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dimitri B. Papadimitriou on an ELR

International experience shows that direct job creation by governments is one of the very few options that has succeeded at raising employment levels more than just marginally during a crisis.
Los Angeles Times OpEd
Need jobs? Call on government
By Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, president of the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College and executive vice president of Bard
(h/t Clonal)

Facts, figures and references.


Ken said...

The Know-Nothings are out in force in the comments section of that piece.

Septeus7 said...

Yup! Know Nothings!

I was tempted to comment but it's not like you can easily over turn decades even centuries of the myth that "taxpayers' money fund government."

I've tried to explain it to folks with phds in mathematics and engineering on several technology blogs and it doesn't work.

I'm thinking that what we need a hit video game cell phone/facebook app aka the 21st century version of monopoly that explains MMT.

I've tried with dinner party game during the holidays but everyone got confused by T-Bar accounting on the fact for every credit someone records a debit.

I'm going to try improve the design by improving mechanics but I also need to translate "price stability and full employment" into a rewards and goal system.

We don't need anymore lectures and videos, articles, blogs, and papers. We need a game...we need the next Angry Birds or Farmville.

I believe the gaming plus MMT = saving the world economy.


It's just an idea.

Tom Hickey said...

Maybe start with a simple free app?